Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Three Of The Factors That Influence Body Weight

Body image is a big problem in our society which can lead to being unhealthy or even death.  Body weight and certain physical looks have been controversial for years.  Society makes certain sizes and figures 'perfect' while others are seem unacceptable.  Everyone is different, everyone's body is different and comes in a range of sizes and there is no "one-size" that defines perfection or beauty. There are many factors that could affect a person's body weight, varying from; puberty for children, height, gender, age, family genetics, eating patterns, and physical activity levels. Three factors used in this blog are; Media Messages, Puberty and Influences of Body Image on Food Choices.
The media's messages can play a huge role on one's body weight.  Television, the Internet, social media, magazines, etc. all play major roles in the lives of teens and children.  Those platforms display certain behaviors, values and looks.  The Media can influence teens and children from a young age that a larger body shape is unacceptable.  When things like this happen in the media, people tend to laugh at people with a larger body shape.  The media especially corporates an "ideal" shape for women which is rather abnormally thin and is barely part of the normal weight distribution.  That body weight excludes 95% of women in the Canadian society.  But the models that many look up to, in the media, can weigh up to 13-19% below the expected weight for her height and age.  When models in the media are unbelievably thin and under the normal weight, it can be hard to not let the media influence you.  

Media also can glamorize abnormal things.  The media can Photoshop a person with abnormal features that they do not have like, a thigh gap or slender hips, since that is seen as favorable.  With that many young girls are taught that there is only one good body shape and that it is the only one defining beauty.  So girls, teens and women commonly feel pressured to be thin.  Boys and men learn that they should have defined muscles and that is the only physical appearance that is accepted.    
Nicole In, a fellow student in Aurora Senior P.S. believes that "Media creates this image of a perfect body weight which causes kids to think that they must be thin, which can lead to problems.  And I think that it is unhealthy because there's no perfect body weight. You just gotta be healthy.  To move forward media should stop photo shop."   But Media can also positively influence teens.  Certain magazines actually promote health for teens and will promote active and healthy living.  These types of media promotes teens and children to be healthier and how to work towards a healthy weight or maintain one.  Media can also share healthy recipes or workouts for anyone losing weight. 


Another Factor is Puberty.  This factor applies to children and younger teens as that is when they undergo a growth spurt.  For girls the age for puberty can start from 8 to 12 and for boys from 9 to 13.  That is usually when about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight is gained.  Both height and weight don't happen simultaneously and it relies on the individual.  The growth spurt in each person is unique and leads to their body shape and size.  Puberty can be a hard time for children- especially girls.  They'll gain weight but will want to be thin, due to the social pressure that thin is better.  Boys will also want to be thin but will also want to have defined muscles and 'abs'. 
Anna Wang, a fellow peer believes that "Kids during puberty will gain weight differently, but this shouldn't make adolescents during their self-conscious times feel bad since everyone is going through this at one point or another.  Teenagers should enjoy being themselves and eating what they love instead of spending all their time on unnecessary diets."   

Puberty can be a positive factor to an adolescent because it shapes an individual's body shape.  It shapes one's body to become beautiful/handsom and more mature, possibly resulting in him/her learning what workouts and diets that are healthy for his/her certain body.  Also they may result in a nice body, even with some weight they'd learn how to burn it off in a healthy way. 


The last Factor in this blog is the influences of body image on food choices.  This can be a major factor in one's life.  The image an individual would have of themselves influences eating patterns and food choices.  Especially during childhood and teen years, individuals will strongly have a want to fit in.  And young people believe that the thinner the body shape the better, and that is what defines their worth.  Teens become unhappy with their looks and begin to diet, restrict intakes or other dangerous habits that can possibly lead to very dangerous and unhealthy eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.  These types of eating habits are very unhealthy and can start at a young age and can be hard to change. Sometimes, especially in females, an individuals can see themselves as differently then what they actually look like (with a larger body shape). And at most time the image in their mind that they want to become, is an unrealistic fantasy that will not happen just by an unhealthy diet.

Danielle, a peer from Aurora Senior believes "When a teen sees an image of a model or celebrity on TV, their view of an 'ideal' body image is twisted and filled with unrealistic standards.  Because of the way these young people look up to these people, they think whatever they do is right.  One might change their eating choices and habits to get (slimmer) and have that 'ideal' body.  This is unhealthy because kids don't completely understand that this image is false and that achieving it would take more than just an average diet." 

Food choices can be positive if it is a reasonable diet that is healthy, balances out all of the necessaries for a human, and  balances out the diet with active activities, that would be safe and healthy.  Also that way the individual  could also enjoy some treats that they love if they are living a healthy life style and then they'll still be able to meet a reasonable goal.  


In conclusion, body weight and image is a controversial thing in today's world that gets toyed around by the media with Photoshop and threatens millions of lives of children and teens across the globe.  There are many factors influencing weight but the ones that I have talked about are; Media Messages, Puberty and Influences of Body Image on Food Choices.  All the ones that I have talked about a serious in today's world and can lead to severe problems but all we have to support each other because all sizes and shapes are beautiful.  And like my peer Nelani said "Body weight isn't importantly as long as you're healthy and happy.  Food and puberty can change your body image but only to a certain, normal point.  But again as long as you are happy and healthy, then it doesn't matter."
